International Mass Loading Service: start and stop dates.
Format of start/stop dates: YYYY.MM.DD_hh:mm that means:
a) four digit year — for example: 1979, 2015; b) two digit month number
with leading zero — for example: 01, 12; c) two digit day number in
the month — for example: 02, 27; d) underscore; e) two digit hour number
with leading zero — for example 04, 21; f) two digit minute number
with leading zero — for example 05, 58. Fields with hour and minute
can be omitted, which is equivalent to _00:00.
Example of dates:
2015.05.30_22:57 — May 30, 2015, 22 hours, 57 minutes;
— December 08, 1979, 00 hours, 00 minutes
Stop date should be equal or after the start date.
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This page was prepared by Leonid Petrov
Last update: 2016.02.26_17:20:02