Current latency of the International Mass Loading Service

Status at 2024.07.27_04:00:02 UTC         ( 2024.07.27_00:00:02 local time )

Data source Service type Latency Last time updated (UTC) Since last update Since last error
GEOS-FPIT Land water storage loading 15.50 hour 2024.07.26_20:29 7.50 hour 145.12 days
GEOS-FPIT Atmospheric pressure loading 13.00 hour 2024.07.26_20:30 7.50 hour 145.08 days
MPIOM06 Non-tidal ocean loading 31.00 hour 2024.07.26_11:32 16.47 hour 51.50 days
MPIOM07 Non-tidal ocean loading 31.00 hour n/a n/a n/a
MERRA2 Land water storage loading 25.29 day 2024.07.25_09:14 1.78 day 932.57 day
MERRA2 Atmospheric pressure loading 25.42 day 2024.07.25_00:42 2.14 day 372.54 day


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