Gridded loading

Mass loading can be computed on a regular grid. However, a great care should be taken when gridded loading is considered for characterizing displacement at a given station. Loading near the coast line is changing rapidly and interpolation errors may be significant. As a rule of thumb, loading at a station that is closer than the distance of three times the grid resolution should not be used. That means if a station is closer than 300 km from the shore, a grid loading at the 1°×1° resolution is not suitable for data reduction. The interpolation errors can reach 30% at a distance less than 80 km to the coastline when loading at the 0.25°×0.25° grid is used. See L. Petrov, "The International Mass Loading Service", submitted 2015 ( for illustrations of interpolation errors.

What to do if my station of interest is not in the list of station for which loading was precomputed? Please use the ondemand loading service.

Then, why the gridded loading is computed? It is computed mainly for computing integrals of loading over the Earth or a region of interest and for visualization.

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This page was prepared by Leonid Petrov ()
Last update: 2021.09.10_17:31:41