Integrated mass loading time series

  1. If you download regulary pre-computed mass loading, you do not need to execute web form every time. You can get the list of URLs once and then use the URL as a pattern for downloading for new dates. It is recomended to use wget utility for smart downloading. This utility can be called from a user program or from a script.
  2. If you compute on-demand loading regulary, you can applly for registration of your computer domain name or IP address as trusted by filling this form. If your computer is recoginzed as trusted, catcha will not be displayed, and the limit on the number of stations and the length of loading series will be lifted. The most important, you can initiate computation of on-demand loading by executing your own program or a script non-interactively without using a browser.

    You can use Python-3 script. Run "python3 get_loading_ondemand.csh" to see command-line options. NB: the script will fail under python2.

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This page was prepared by Leonid Petrov ()
Last update: 2017.07.09_12:04:34